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My Favorite Audio HIFI Cables! Abundance of Value for Money

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Oehlbach RF1 Master 


Look at them they are amazing, beautiful looking very underrated cables. 

And now I will shine some spotlight on them. 


As I said I think they are the most valuable audio cables on the market.  

They are not the best cables, but the cables that bring the most value for money. 


And what is so great about this RCA cables? Well nothing particular in its build quality.  It is an oxygen free cooper cable, something that many cable manufacturers use, to my knowledge there is no silver inline inserted in cable, and it has its own gold plated chinch. Nothing spectacular. Oehlebach say it’s a very robust and flexible cable therefore it will last an eternity. 


So why?  


And it is how Oelabch is able to present warm tonal realism with this cable. It is incredible how much at this level. this cable is able to present details and structure which are very grounded 


This cable is for people  who don’t search for that pitch black background of clarity and transparency, but cable that is Musical and respects its source  so it can show all the production tricks behind a record. 


This a romantic cable,  with bass bit elevated to give this full character,  which is smooth, but Is not too much drowned in its own sweetness.  


That Is especially necessary, to allow soundstage to be open. It is going to be a weighty sound so don’t expect that the soundstage will be grand, but that will all depend what amp or speaker you are using  because the are mostly responsible for soundstage size and scope. But Oehlbach does allow that soundstage to spread its wing and instruments to be heard on sea of sonics. 


I myself enjoyed listening to this cable for longer periods of time, and as a package that delivers a lot of sonic qualities in very affordable pricing,  And it works especially well with sonic characteristics of a turntables, this cable are my most valuable cables on market.  And it will pair fantastically with any system. 


QED Performance 40i

But I need to speak about second best valuable cable on market,  and that is Qed Performance 40i. 


And how Oehlbach is the moon, very romantic and pleasing, Qed is the Sun. Very reviling and engaging. 


They are two different cables whit different sonic signature. Some might like more Qed and completely get it. There is no cable on the market in this level that will make your system sound this clear and open. 


Qed is known as king of transparency, if you are all about that crystal clean, transparent sounding, like window clean, cable  - than this one is for you. 


First time hearing this cables, if you jump from something like basic cables,  will be shocking how much more you can hear. They will lift the fog from instruments. And set free your HiFi System to flourish and impress. 


Now you will hear more finer details in the song. Instruments will be closer to you, and more 3D dimensional. Sometimes this cable will be so transparent that,  any gaps and pauses will really be noticeable. 


The other problem is that it will punish bad production. In general sound of this cable can be characterized with bright. It will push your treble up, and will expose a lot of details from music. 


In my personal experience with some music, it can cause sound fatigue. And therefore I was reluctant to have them always as my daily driver.  



Even with all this being said, I think that 40i are an exceptional cable. That soundstage and transparency can be addicting and very exciting. It will just require from you more thoughts into what system you are pairing it,  but if you find him a great partner it will reward that union with some incredibly revealing and engaging sound. 

So another big recommendation from me. 


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